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Available for sale: Sunflower Oil, Used Cooking O  - سطيف - الجزائر

رمز الإعلان: 123812
350 جنية مصري


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Available for sale: Sunflower Oil, Used Cooking O 

COMPANY DETAIL. COMPANY NAME : EDIBLE OIL MARKETING ADDRESS : Village 4 AL Azema, Samalout, El Minia, Egypt.... COUNTRY : EGYPT. PHONE NUMBER : +201111443037 Skype: Edibleoilmarketing From plantation and contract farming to export of Jatropha plant seeds, oil and other oil seed and oil (for extraction of fuel) and project management (from concept to completion), we have in depth understanding of all the related activities. We have spent many years in screening out high yielding. Germ plasm of Jatropha curcas and other oil. We can also involve in research activities with your organization. We have developed a Knowledge network on Oil and Biodiesel. We also list all products available in stock in the year 2014/2015 in below products list since our production has increased and any interested buyer who is interested in any of our products should contact us for their prices. WE ARE THE PRODUCER Quantity: Minimum order - 10 MT per shipment WE OFFER FREE SAMPLES BUT YOU ARE ONLY GOING TO PAY FOR FREIGHT TO YOUR DOORSTEP ADDRESS. Maximum order - 20,000 MT per shipment Date of First Delivery: By agreement in Contract Delivery Method: Bulk by vessel, ship to tank ETC DELIVERY TIME ...... : 2 TO 4 WEEKS EXPRESS SERVICE BY AIR SAMPLES DELIVERY TIME ...... : WITHIN 3-4 DAYS Packing: IN CUSTOMER PROFFERED METHOD Payment: L/C, T/T ( Bank Transfer ), WIRE TRANSFER.... Inspection: The quality and Quantity of Goods will be confirmed for each shipment on a certificate issued by the SGS at discharge port at buyers account which shall be binding on both parties in all respects WE SELL PER METRIC TON(MT) Vegetable Oil for .....................................USD350 PerMT Sessame Oil for .......................................USD350 PerMT Corn Oil for ..........................................USD350 PerMT Soya bean Oil for .....................................USD350 PerMT Jatropha Oil for ......................................USD350 PerMT RBD PalmOil for

السعر: 350 جنية مصري
رمز الإعلان: 123812
  • تاريخ بداية الإعلان:
  • 2015.11.22
  • الدولة
  • الجزائر Algeria
  • المحافظة
  • سطيف
  • المدينة:
  • Salt Lake City
  • الفترة الزمنية المتبقية
  • إنتهت فترة الإعلان.

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